Patience is an art

Yannick Olivier Orounla
2 min readJul 28, 2020

Patience is an art, a craft, something you have to practice and keep perfect in order to get better at. In order to be at your best, you need to be able to manage your emotions, adjust your mind, and learn how to calm down for optimal results. It may sound counterintuitive, but learning to meditate will probably help you become a more effective, more efficient, and more compassionate person.

How to calm down?
Most of us have probably come across the phrase, “Let go of the worries of the past and concentrate on the future,” but what does that really mean? For starters, it means not bringing all the concerns in the present into the future. No, it doesn’t mean forgetting about the future. Do not forget about the future,” Oonishi said. “The entire mind is being influenced by the future. Don’t let this happen to you.” The future determines your motivation. The future isn’t about what’s coming, it’s about what’s here now. If you’re a light believer, the future is about what you can do. If you’re a dark believer, the future is about what others can do to hurt you. This is where self-control comes in. You cannot control what others do, but you can control how you react to them.

What about the limits?
Patience has limits, and patience isn’t infinite. It must be exercised wisely. And when people try to take a bigger bite out of the apple than it can bear, it’s not a pretty sight. The secret is in understanding people and yourself in ways that the average human is not currently equipped to do. Tupac Shakur said: “Take the evil out of people and they’ll be acting right”. If you understand beyond the evil, you will graze the infinite patience.
Just remember, To be patient means to be in control.

